MAWAR GURUN TAK lain adalah adenium.
Ada gebrakan baru di adenium bunga putih yang tak pernah popular mendadak digandrungi peminat. Lebat dan rajin berbunga menjadi daya tarik.

Sejak 2003 silangan berwarna putih sudah hadir di dunia adenium. Namun, 'Dulu, silangan adenium bunga putih hanya jadi pelengkap dan permintaannya biasa-biasa saja,' kata Ir. Slamet Budiarto dari Godong Ijo nurseri.

Tahun ini, mozza muncul untuk membuktikan bahwa tak selamanya adenium bunga putih selalu jadi anak tiri. Hasil buruan Slamet dari seorang penyilang Thailand pada akhir 2007 itu tampil memukau dengan tampilan sama persis dengan eye of the storm. Bentuk kelopak bunga sama-sama membulat dan berukuran besar dengan diameter di atas 8 cm. Hanya beda warna kelopak bunga saja: eye of the storm, pink; mozza, putih.

Rajin berbunga

Kerajinannya berbunga jadi senjata utama menjerat hati para peminat. 'Mozza berbunga lebih awal dan paling rajin dibanding jenis adenium generasi sebelumnya,' katanya. Februari 2008 merupakan kali pertama terlihat deretan adenium kelas A-ukuran kecil dengan diameter batang 3-5 cm- berbunga lebat dan serempak. Itu tidak lain mozza.

Padahal, saat itu adenium-adenium lain masih enggan berbunga lantaran masih banyak turun hujan. Ketika kemarau, pada Mei 2008, deretan mozza tampil paling semarak. Jenis lain tak sebanjir itu.

Mozza mewarisi sifat-sifat induknya. Ibunya, eye of the storm, terkenal karena kelebatan bunganya. Soal kerajinan, mozza malah melebihi eye of the storm. Pertumbuhan mozza lebih cepat daripada eye of the storm. Pada umur yang sama mozza lebih banyak tumbuh cabang sehingga bunganya lebih lebat. Mozza sudah mulai berbunga pada hari ke-45 setelah sambung, sedangkan eye of the storm baru berbunga setelah 2 bulan.


Not only mozza that menyeruak the market apart from the prediction. Dottie-flower white turbid with the spurting pink in the middle of-also occupied the rank five big the new crossing that most had an interest taken in him by the consumer. The crossing from Taiwan more often attracted the circle for the soft colour and the simple feature of the reason beginner. Salmona-flower was white with a funnel peach also was the mainstay. In April 2008, thorra, ayala, bonzy, benito and elexa emerged following mozza, dottie, salmona and 9 other crossings that were released by Godong Ijo in February 2008.

Bonzi that most moncer among 5 crossings that were released April 2008 that, again and again the variant the peach. Bonzi was white turbid with a funnel peach and red stripes firm in the middle petal him. That in accordance with the Handry Chuhairy-player prediction adenium in Tangerang, about the variant peach will be on the rise.

Corong kuning

In Yogyakarta another. That became discussions was adenium the Untari Retno Wahyuni crossing. The 'crossing with a yellow funnel was difficult to be received,' said the woman that has crossed adenium since the last 5 years. His four crossings that bercorong yellow blossomed at the end 2007 namely Kallalia, come on noodles co, Patrick and first day. Kallalia bertepi red with stripes in petal him was very firm, was similar brave heart. Only a funnel kallalia yellower with petal was white that was more visible.

Sementara first day, petal dominan putih dengan garis sembur yang sempit tapi tegas. Tari menggunakan painted lady jadi tetuanya. Dengan tetua ini pula, pemilik Omah Ijo itu berharap bisa menghasilkan adenium berpetal putih yang lebih bersih.

Silangan-silangan baru si mawar gurun seolah tak ada habisnya, pantas jika penggemarnya tak pernah bosan untuk terus berburu. Nesia Artdiyasa/ TRUBUS

Adenium grafting yang hanya mengandalkan bunga memang menarik. Tapi jika Anda jeli, masih banyak bisa ditemukan adenium-adenium 'aneh' yang menggoda hati. Harganya bisa mencapai puluhan juta, mengingat ketersediaan barang sangat langka. Pemilik adenium langka biasanya menjadi buah bibir di mana-mana. Tidak aneh. Berikut beberapa di antaranya:

The peach yang berwarna kejinggaan bersalin rupa jadi berbercak merah di atas dasar jingga. Boleh jadi, inilah jenis Adenium obesum yang paling sering bermutasi. Warna merah mulai dari berupa titik sampai polesan yang hampir Menutupi warna jingga. Bila dalam satu tanaman ada bunga normal dan bunga mutasi, hasilnya jadi tanaman menarik.***

Daun Albino
Perubahan warna tak melulu di bunga. Adenium obesum jenis ini diketahui dimiliki Handhi di Tangerang. Selain warna bunga, daun juga bermutasi. Helaian yang mestinya hijau, melulu putih seperti albino. Handhi mengaku, mendapatkan dari Thailand setahun silam. Yang istimewa putihnya daun stabil dan tanaman sehat. Terkadang dari 1.000 semaian biji memang ada 1-2 tanaman albino. Tapi umur 3 bulan mati karena daun terbakar, tutur pemilik nurseri Rumah Pohon itu.***

Bonggol Emas
Inilah salah satu mutasi terlangka: adenium bonggol emas. Menurut Aris Budiman (pemerhati Adenium, red) di Yogyakarta, peluang mendapatkannya 1:1.000.000. Di tanahair, hanya segelintir yang memiliki. Tercatat 11 bonggol emas dikoleksi kolektor di Depok, Yogyakarta, Pati, dan kolektor di Jawa Timur. Satu pohon milik Drs Sonny Wagino di Ngawi juga berdaun variegata. Ini jenis lebih langka.***

(Bahan/ sumber: Majalah Trubus)
When someone gives you flowers on your birthday, you do not dispose of after fading. You can mengabadikannya flowers dry up with it. You can also dry out flowers from your page.

This is an activity that I like, because I can immortalize wedding bouquet, valentine flower, flower of a visit to the friend, and even flowers from the garden behind my home.

How do classical drying flowers:


Drying by air classic

Drying pressure

Flowers can be dried is that the interest does not contain too much water, such as interest bogenvil, hortensia flower, rose, flower margerit, interest etc. chrysantium. Interest stems from the onion plants are usually difficult to be dried, for example: gladiolus, tulip, lili, jacinthe, dahlia, begonia dll.

The red Anthurium

This is another common picture that I have available. He used a Nikon D2x with a micro-old f/3.5 lens of 55m m (from 60s) for the shooting. The lens may be old but he does not give up anything in sharpness and clarity anything produced today. For lighting used a softlight of Arri in the Anthurium and a fresnel in the background paper to give the green seamless gradation and more depth.

The Anthurium is I look as dramatic as loosely pulled within a certain site to give breathing and also if an art director wanted to use large and have room for a title or a copy of the body.

The surprising Anthurium are looking flowers. Almost have the plastic and other worldly look about them. And it eliminates the color just with their wealth.

The Anthurium are relatively easy to grow, have attractive foliage and under appropriate environment, year lasting flowers round of the product. Commercially, the Anthurium type of pot grown in the world with the heaviest concentrations of the USA (Florida) and the Netherlands. They are durable and will survive as a houseplant foliage for a remarkable period of time, even under adverse conditions.

The Anthurium grow best with day temperatures 78 to 90 F, and temperatures of the night temperatures of 70 to 75 F. about 90 F can cause leaf burning, discoloration color of the flower, and reduced life of the flower. Temperatures at night between 40 to 50 F can lead to slow growth and yellow leaves more casualties. The Anthurium not tolerate frost or freezing conditions.


The Anthurium preferred means of growth that is thick and well drained. The means of filling should be a basis of peat moss with a 1:1: 1 ratio of peat moss, bark and pine of perlite. The plants when they are youong be planted in a mixture that is not quite so thick, to conserve moisture. The soil should be placed firmly around the roots and the root system should fill the pot before the plant be intensified to a larger size of the pot.


While the Anthurium can handle dry around the root ball, need to be watered thoroughly and be allowed to dry slightly before watering again. Allow the plant deseque greatly retard the growth cycle. The drying can also make the tip burn and root damage, while on the power irrigation also cause damage to the root of sudden and yellow leaves.


The Anthurium in general (inside) take on as much light as you can provide with-but not direct sunlight. The lower levels of light delayed or cease production of the flower. The type species of foliage tolerate levels of light as short growing in some areas more shasiest their natural habitat. The leaves emerge in light cuts can stretch and / or warping.


A quick word on nutrition. Most growers use a fertilizer slow launch time in their plants. Fertilization should not be an issue for quite some months. If you're going to fertilize, use a mild solution of a 3:1: 2 and the ratio is probably the best to dilute to 1 / 4 strength.

Parasites and disease

The Anthurium are generally susceptible to parasites who visit out the houseplants, such as aphids, scales, mealybugs and thrip. The thrip and flour are more in new growth. You can also find aphids to feed on flower buds. The scales seem particularly fond resistant to the type of hierarchy of the bird. The best method of controlling insect is to supervise their plants and treat them before they get out of hand. There are some insecticides soaps that work well on soft insects, but the scales may need a stronger insecticide. Under conditions of low humidity spider mites may appear. One of the best ways to stay clear of the use of chemicals is with the mop of foliage and a newspaper sparay gentle water. Be sure not to forget the lower surfaces.

The biggest problem of disease to which you will face is within RHIZOCTINIA. This is caused by high temperature and humidity along with soil that drains poorly. Do not over water and you should replant, do not use well drained soil, because that is its best defense. Chemically, RHIZOCTINIA can be controlled with a wide range of fungicides. The best approach is prevention via cultural practices.

Fresh Anthurium Kuping Gajah

The fresh fruit that was ripe (that has been soaked the auxiliary hormone grew) was pressed and will go out 2buah the still stratified seed thin meat. It is best to the seed in the clean situation when being buried, meaning that meat that still was clinging and this seed epidermis must be cleaned by 100%, the method was easiest that is with help tisyu (was rubbed) or diendam water (that was best ga tau, was up to you feeling you then)

The exotic flowers are becoming increasingly in demand today. Unlike other flowers can be preserved for up to three weeks if they are provided proper care and attention. The exotic flowers are to be found in forests and mountains and can therefore be more expensive than other kinds of flowers.

Also, as the name suggests, are not as common as the more traditional flowers such as roses, daisies or sunflowers. In fact, when we think of exotic flowers, we

imagine an explosion of bright colors, vibrant radiating everywhere. The center is all the exotic flowers that and much more.

Perhaps one of the exotic flowers more impressive is the bird of paradise. This beautiful flower is a natural South Africa, but ninguÌ No one can find around the world because of its exotic beauty. The bird of paradise positioned about two meters high and is actually used for decorative purposes. He was named so because it is similar to the kind of bird that shares its name. The offspring of bird of paradise is thought to resemble the head and beak of a bird.

We often printed on shirts, but shirts do not make any Hawaiian flowers of justice. Use the Hawaiian flowers to give your home a plea tropical carefree summer. Some Hawaiian flowers are the common ground of Hawaiian lava, bromeliads and plants of lava Anthurium. All have the vibrant colors that can certainly clarify beyond any home. Anthurium plants also have a heart-shaped flower that will give your home a look even more unique.

The orchids are considered one of, if not the most beautiful of all exotic flowers. They are also very easy to grow and can last for weeks, even months. There are also many, both as a thousand different varieties of orchids to choose from!

The exotic flowers can be accompanied by other exotic flowers. A settlement may include a settlement of Anthurium and lilies. This kind of arrangement to import recalls the feeling of relaxation of the tropics with their lively hues, magnificent. To make it even more lively, add a touch of ginger flowers of this arrangement. Speaking of ginger, ginger along with protea is another option for the centre of exotic flowers.

The ginger coloured pink blooms as well as flowers of Protea separated from the queen calm and tranquility wherever they go. If you go for such exotic flowers center will be a good idea to put this in a living room or a living room to add a touch of beauty and serenity, to the area.

If you like orchids, try mating with the Anthurium. The combination of exotic orchid flower and the Anthurium Dendrobium also takes him back to tropical islands, forests, beaches and sunsets enormous. The vibrant hues of these flowers certainly add beauty to your living area.

In fact, these flowers are so beautiful are guaranteed to be conversation pieces first. Just a touch of these exotic flowers in your living room, dining room, even your bedroom can help energize your home and give the extra grip you need

Anthurium andreanum

Other flowering plants Other flowering plants red, pink, white
latin name:

Anthurium andreanum

common name: Flamingo Flower
family: Araceae (c)
origin: Colombia, Central America
climate: subtropical
minimal winter temperature: 20°C
ideal temperature: 25°C
light: bright
Flower colour: red, pink, white
rarity: yes
Anthurium andreanum grows in wet forest from about 400-1200 m. as a viney epiphyte. The cultivated forms of this species have been hybridized for many many years and form the basis for the most important cut flower crop in Hawaii.

Although the name applied to these cut flower plants is usually A. andreanum, many in fact are hybrids of several closely related species in section Calomystrium and are more accuratly reffered to as Anthurium X cultorum Birdsey. The main differences between the cultivated varieties and the wild species are a compact suckering habit and a broad range of colors and patterns in the cultivated hybrids vs. a veiny habit and only the bright orange-red spathe in the wild species.

Varieties are available in shades of red and pink and white and with large flowers. Plants raised from seed exhibit variations in colour shape and size of the flower. The most colourful part of the flower is the spathe.

Anthurium andreanum makes an excellent pot plant with glossy green leaves and flowers held on tall petioles. Requires warm growing conditions. Excellent for cut flower use with a long vase life.

PlantFiles: Flamingo Flower
Anthurium andreanum 'Sarah'

Family: Araceae (a-RAY-see-ay) (Info) Genus: Anthurium (an-THUR-ee-um) (Info) Species: andreanum (an-drey-AY-num) (Info) Cultivar: Sarah

Tropicals and Tender Perennials

12-18 in. (30-45 cm)
18-24 in. (45-60 cm)

Sun Exposure:
Light Shade
Partial to Full Shade

All parts of plant are poisonous if ingested
Handling plant may cause skin irritation or allergic reaction

Bloom Color:
Pale Green
White/Near White

Bloom Time:
Blooms repeatedly


Other details:
This plant is suitable for growing indoors
Average Water Needs; Water regularly; do not overwater
Flowers are good for cutting
Suitable for growing in containers

Soil pH requirements:
6.1 to 6.5 (mildly acidic)
6.6 to 7.5 (neutral)
7.6 to 7.8 (mildly alkaline)

Propagation Methods:
By dividing rhizomes, tubers, corms or bulbs (including offsets)

Bunga Hijau ,

Close Dried Flowers Glass, Mas and plain. Consists of 6 Close cup WITHOUT tatakannya. There is also consists of 6 Close cup tatakannya below.

Product specification, part of the material made from natural material (dried flower). Handicraft product dibalut with this polka-dot design (gold) and plain (water hyacinth). Example product details, see the items in the other product.

This product can be used not only for the needs of families, but can also gift for newly wed, gifts for colleagues, etc.. If you want the price for this purpose can be more dinego (wholesale price).

Price Rp 20,000 / 6 pcs, Rp 25,000 / 6 pcs, and Rp 30,000 / 6 pcs. Price not including shipping charges. Product KODIR BANG (Bangil City Embroidery).

In addition to the above products have some of the product that you can get here: the tissu, cover food, decorative lights, plaited bag, etc..

Interested, contact HP 08123.390.730, Flexi 0343-778.1985 or 0343-741024, email

Sakura, bersama dengan bunga Seruni, merupakan bunga nasional Jepang yang mekar pada musim semi, yaitu sekitar awal April hingga akhir April.

Sakura dapat terlihat di mana-mana di Jepang—diperlihatkan dalam beraneka ragam barang-barang konsumen, termasuk kimono, alat-alat tulis, dan peralatan dapur. Bagi orang Jepang, Sakura merupakan simbol penting, yang kerap kali diasosiasikan dengan perempuan, kehidupan, kematian, serta juga merupakan simbol untuk mengeksperesikan ikatan antarmanusia, keberanian, kesedihan, dan kegembiraan. Sakura juga menjadi metafora untuk ciri-ciri kehidupan yang tidak kekal.

Warna bunga tergantung pada spesiesnya, ada yang berwarna putih dengan sedikit warna merah jambu, kuning muda, merah jambu, hijau muda atau merah menyala.

Bunga digolongkan menjadi 3 jenis berdasarkan susunan daun mahkota:

  • bunga tunggal dengan daun mahkota selapis (一重; hitoe)
  • bunga ganda dengan daun mahkota berlapis (八重; yae)
  • bunga semi ganda (半八重; hanyae)

Pohon Sakura berbunga setahun sekali, di pulau Honshu, kuncup bunga Sakura jenis Someiyoshino mulai terlihat di akhir musim dingin dan bunganya mekar di akhir bulan Maret sampai awal bulan April di saat cuaca mulai hangat.

Di Jepang, mekarnya Sakura jenis Someiyoshino dimulai dari Okinawa di bulan Februari, dilanjutkan di pulau Honshu bagian sebelah barat, sampai di Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto pada sekitar akhir Maret sampai awal April, lalu bergerak sedikit demi sedikit ke utara, dan berakhir di Hokkaido di saat Golden Week.

Setiap tahunnya pengamat Sakura mengeluarkan peta pergerakan mekarnya bunga Sakura Someiyoshono dari barat ke timur lalu utara yang disebut Sakurazensen. Dengan menggunakan peta Sakurazensen dapat diketahui lokasi bunga Sakura yang sedang mekar pada saat tertentu.

Ciri khas

Bunga Sakura jenis Someiyoshino (Prunus × yedoensis Matsum. cv. Yedoensis)

Bunga Sakura jenis Someiyoshino (Prunus × yedoensis Matsum. cv. Yedoensis)

Ciri khas Sakura jenis Someiyoshino adalah bunganya yang lebih dahulu mekar sebelum daun-daunnya mulai keluar. Puluhan, ratusan, bahkan ribuan batang pohon yang berada di lokasi yang sama, bunganya mulai mekar secara serentak dan rontok satu per satu pada saat yang hampir bersamaan.

Bunga Sakura jenis Someiyoshino hanya dapat bertahan kurang lebih 7 sampai 10 hari dihitung mulai dari kuncup bunga terbuka hingga bunga mulai rontok. Rontoknya bunga Sakura tergantung pada keadaan cuaca dan sering dipercepat oleh hujan lebat dan angin kencang. Beberapa jenis burung dikenal suka memakan bagian bunga yang berasa manis, sedangkan burung merpati memakan seluruh bagian bunga.

Kesempatan langka piknik beramai-ramai di bawah pohon Sakura untuk menikmati mekarnya bunga Sakura disebut o-hanami. Saat melakukan O-hanami adalah ketika semua pohon Sakura yang ada di suatu tempat bunganya sudah mekar semua.

Di Jepang terdapat standar untuk menyampaikan informasi tingkat mekar bunga Sakura, mulai dari terbukanya kuncup bunga (Kaika), mekarnya 10% dari kuncup bunga yang ada di pohon (Ichibuzaki) sampai bunga mekar seluruhnya (Mankai). Bunga yang rontok segera digantikan dengan keluarnya daun-daun muda. Pohon Sakura yang bunganya mulai rontok dan mulai tumbuh daun-daun muda sebanyak 10% disebut Ichibu hazakura, sedangkan pohon Sakura yang semua bunga sudah rontok dan hanya mempunyai daun-daun muda disebut Hazakura.

Bunga dari pohon jenis Yamazakura mekar lebih lambat dibandingkan jenis Someiyoshino dan bunganya mekar bersamaan dengan keluarnya daun-daun muda.

[sunting] Konsumsi bunga Sakura

Daun dan bunga Sakura yang sudah direndam di dalam air garam (shiozuke) dimanfaatkan untuk bahan makanan karena wanginya yang harum. Sakura mochi adalah kue moci yang dibungkus daun Sakura. Ada juga es krim dan kue kering rasa bunga Sakura. Teh bunga Sakura umumnya diminum pada kesempatan istimewa seperti pesta pernikahan. Ranting dan kuncup bunga Sakura juga digunakan sebagai bahan pewarna alami.

[sunting] Jenis-jenis pohon Sakura

Bunga Sakura Ukon (Prunus lannesiana Wilson cv. Grandiflora)

Bunga Sakura Ukon (Prunus lannesiana Wilson cv. Grandiflora)

Kanhizakura (Prunus campanulata Maxim)

Kanhizakura (Prunus campanulata Maxim)

Sebagian besar jenis pohon Sakura merupakan hasil persilangan, misalnya jenis Someiyoshino yang tersebar di seluruh Jepang sejak zaman Meiji adalah hasil persilangan pohon Sakura di zaman Edo akhir. Sakura jenis Someiyoshino inilah yang sangat tersebar luas, sehingga kebanyakan orang hanya mengenal Someiyoshino (yang merupakan salah satu jenis Sakura) sebagai Sakura.

Pada zaman dulu sebelum ada jenis Someiyoshino, orang Jepang mengenal bunga Sakura yang mekar di pegunungan yang disebut Yamazakura dan Yaezaki no Sakura sebagai Sakura. Di saat mekarnya bunga Sakura, ribuan batang pohon Yamazakura yang tumbuh di pegunungan Yoshino (Prefektur Nara) menciptakan pemandangan menakjubkan warna putih, hijau muda, dan merah jambu.

Beberapa jenis Sakura:

  • Edohigan

Edohigan adalah Sakura yang mekar di Hari Ekuinoks Musim Semi dan bunganya paling panjang umur. Jenis-jenis lain yang serupa dengan Edohigan adalah Ishiwarizakura dan Yamadakashinyozakura yang termasuk pohon Sakura yang dilindungi. Miharutakizakura adalah salah satu jenis Edohigan yang rantingnya menjuntai-juntai, sedangkan Yaebenishidare dikenal daun bunganya yang banyak dan warnanya yang cerah.

  • Hikanzakura

Hikanzakura atau disebut juga Kanhizakura adalah Sakura yang tersebar mulai dari wilayah Tiongkok bagian selatan sampai ke Pulau Formosa. Kanhizakura banyak ditemukan tumbuh liar di Prefektur Okinawa. Di benak orang Okinawa, kata “Sakura” sering berarti Hikansakura. Pengumuman mekarnya bunga Sakura di Okinawa biasanya berarti mekarnya Hikanzakura. Di Okinawa, kuncup bunga Hikanzakura mulai terbuka sekitar bulan Januari atau Februari. Di Pulau Honshu, Hikanzakura banyak ditanam mulai dari wilayah Kanto sampai ke Kyushu dan biasanya mulai mekar sekitar bulan Februari atau Maret.

  • Fuyuzakura

Fuyuzakura adalah jenis pohon Sakura yang bunganya mekar sekitar bulan November sampai akhir bulan Desember. Onishimachi di Prefektur Gunma adalah tempat melihat Fuyuzakura yang terkenal.

Sakura dan buah Ceri

Buah Ceri dari pohon Sakura yang untuk dinikmati bunganya

Buah Ceri dari pohon Sakura yang untuk dinikmati bunganya

Pohon Sakura menghasilkan buah yang dikenal sebagai buah Ceri (bahasa Jepang: Sakuranbo). Buah Ceri yang masih muda berwarna hijau dan buah yang sudah masak berwarna merah sampai merah tua hingga ungu. Walaupun bentuknya hampir serupa dengan buah Ceri kemasan kaleng yang dikenal di Indonesia, buah Ceri yang dihasilkan pohon Sakura ukurannya kecil-kecil dan rasanya tidak enak sehingga tidak dikonsumsi.

Pohon Sakura yang menghasilkan buah Ceri untuk keperluan konsumsi umumnya tidak untuk dinikmati bunganya dan hanya ditanam di perkebunan. Produsen buah Ceri terbesar di Jepang berada di Prefektur Yamagata. Buah Ceri produk dalam negeri Jepang seperti jenis Sato Nishiki harganya luar biasa mahal. Di Jepang, buah Ceri produksi dalam negeri hanya dibeli untuk dihadiahkan pada kesempatan istimewa. Buah Ceri yang banyak dikonsumsi masyarakat di Jepang adalah buah Ceri yang diimpor dari negara bagian Washington dan California di Amerika Serikat.

[sunting] Tempat-tempat pilihan untuk melihat bunga Sakura

Di tahun 1990, Japan Cherry Blossom Association (Asosiasi Bunga Sakura Jepang) mengeluarkan daftar 100 tempat terpilih untuk melihat keindahan bunga Sakura.

Daerah Kanto:

  • Tokyo: Taman Ueno (Taito-ku), Taman Shinjuku-gyoen (Shinjuku-ku), Taman Sumida (Sumida-ku), Taman Koganei (Kota Koganei), Taman Inogashira (Kota Musashino)

Daerah Tokai:

  • Prefektur Gifu: Taman Usuzumi/Neodani (Kota Motosu), Pinggir sungai Shinsakai (Kota Kakamigahara), Kamagatani (Kota Ikeda)

Daerah Kansai:

  • Prefektur Osaka: Taman Istana Osaka (Osaka), The Mint Bureau (Osaka), Taman Expo ‘70 (Kota Suita)
  • Prefektur Hyogo: Taman Istana Himeji (Kota Himeji), Taman Akashi (Kota Akashi), Taman Shukugawa (Kota Nishinomiya)
  • Prefektur Nara: Taman Nara (Kota Nara), Gunung Yoshino (Kota Yoshino), Taman Kooriyamajoshi (Kota Yamato Kooriyama)
Blogged with the Flock Browser
provide various kinds of plants for the various needs of our location in bandung, jawa barat plants we sell our high quality standards to ungulan. The plants that we provide and the price is as follows: Flower POT Price per collection, with the seeds still Anakan normal quality anturium \ Rp.50.000 wave love Rp.50.000 jemani \ Rp.50.000 and many more, we can provide on-demand consumer Price per flower decorative POT, seeds are the height of a normal quality roses \ Rp. 20,000 jasmine \ Rp. 20000 cayenne black Rp. 20000 sensivera \ Rp. 30000 puring and more, we can provide on-demand consumers cut flowers per piece price range: Rp. 15.000 - Rp. 25000 Carnation chrysanthemum herbras roses / carnations and more, we can provide on-demand consumer prices can change according to market conditions and negotiations between the seller and buyer. Those interested can contact the father in lacquey +6281321123366 or in
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Pohon Akar Apakah Akar Pohon

is it weird if say with the picture with Akar Akar Pohon
Aku Bingung bunga apakah ini namanya, mungkin teman teman mengetahui bunga apakah ini, kalo anthurium kayaknya jelas bukan, bunga sepatu juga bukan trus bunga

Bunga Melati Indah Sekali di pagi Hari
Do you like Melati Flower. Melati is from Jasmine was the flower crop decorated took the form of the shrub berbatang erect that lived chronic. In Indonesia, one of the jasmine kinds was made the national symbol that is white jasmine (Jasminum sambac) because his flower was connected with various bang traditions of many ethnic groups in this country. The other kind that also popular was gambir (J. officinale). In Indonesia the name of jasmine was known by the community all over the Indonesian Archipelago territory. Vernacular names for jasmine were Menuh (Bali), Meulu cut or Meulu China (Aceh), Menyuru (Banda), Jasmine (Gayo and Batak Karo), Manduru (Menado), Mundu (Bima and Sumbawa) and Manyora (Timor), as well as Malete (Madura). In Italia, jasmine casablanca (Jasminum officinalle), that was acknowledged as Spanish Jasmine was buried in 1692 to be made perfume. In 1665 in England was cultivated white jasmine (J. sambac) that was introduced by Casimo de Medici Duke. In 1919 was found J. jasmine parkeri in the region Indian Barat Laut, Kemudian was cultivated in England during 1923.