Why Jenmanii Anthurium plants can cost hundreds of millions of rupiah? what makes it expensive?
Trend after the plants love the waves reach the tens of millions of rupiah calm. Now it appears many other high value crops, especially Jenmanii Anthurium. there is this phenomenon? How brave dive pocket ratusanan million just for a pot plant?
Philodendron as many plants in the room or for decoration. Philodendron including family Aracea, and very many species.
Philodendron is a similar plant of the family Araceae, which has many species. Philodendron name comes from the Greek, the form of the leaf width, Philodendron many disuka as ... Philodendron name taken from the Greek, Philo (love) and dendron (pohonPHILODENDRON. Philo GREEN Congo. Lynette. BLACK Cardinal. Rp.500000. Philo Jari. MONSTERA variegata. Posted by the Cooperative Ornamental Plants
# Brian-Bekasi: Pak Deni, I want to buy Anthurium of each type of pot may be a 1? how much postage?
# Wawan-Karanganyar: Boss have what order, if for no-boss for ya, ntar tak swatch. Nuwun
# Purnomo-Surabaya: Sorry deni pack, get bibitan the varigata from any kind of price and how much? Thanks
# Dwi-Tangerang: ga Allow me to buy their pot leaves 1 to 3-4 HOKERI sweeta red and super rednya?
# Didin-Depok: Bung DK, I'm happy Sekar Puspita reduce the price according to market realities, I naksir garuda super red rednya same for the next. Thanks Bung DK
# Ilmi-Samarinda: Dear Mr. Deni, is there any stock biji2an jenmanii Anakan waves of love and leaves 4-5, the hargaanya?
# Bu-Ansari Jakarta: Pak Deni, I have the seed stock and super cobra jenmanii red?
#-Sragen Joko: Boss, I am new youth catalog cobra dapet 9 leaves, drop a boss I want to see .. Suwun
# ITS-Arif: Oce jenmanii waves of love and the price is boss, I may be there Monday to ...
# Andri-Malang: Boss, I have a showroom in the event, if I do not sell goods bantu? strategic location lho boss.
# Bandi-Purwodadi: Got betel Anthurium? I have teenagers that I want, ask for price + send photos ya .. Thank "s Pak Deni
# Rony-Jogja: Indukan than that in the blog, have any? who are ready to harvest?
# Gunawan-Mojokerto: Pak Deni, I find the black variants ngelis have not already?
# Raharjo-Bojonegoro: Indukan wave of love that is ready for harvest have removed a pack?
# Andreas-Ngawi: Pak DK, I would like to learn about the Anthurium Sekar Puspita can ya do? the plan would open nursery. GBU
# Indra-Lampung: I'd like to order the type of seed leaf 3-4 Black Beauty and Burgundy each pot 5 and the total ongkir it?
# Surosentiko-Balikpapan: I need a seed of love waves 2-3 leaves at least 2000 can be sent to here? love is not cheap ya want to sell more ... Thank's
# Ginanjar-Bekasi: I jenmanii search form oval bowl, especially for the contest, can pack deni bantu me?
# Lili-Bandung: Boss, blog keren banget nitip can I sell ya? I have several collections jenmanii. Please ..!
# Ririn-Undip: Siang Pak Deni, I want to order seeds for red variants own collection, discount love ya ...
Rahmat-Gresik #: Boss, I have a good-good Adenium exchange can add bibitan Anthurium ama gak? makasih ...
# Sandy-Surabaya: Bung DK, Anthurium price is down and I spend a lot of capital, can be assisted in nurserynya marketed Pak DK?
# Maulana-Surabaya: DK Pak, when waves of love varigata have a yellow? or other types may be? Thank's
# Vishnu-Jakarta: What boss anthuriumnya business? hopefully smoothly ... somewhen borong Anthurium drop me ya boss ... Not many do'ain Rejeki Amin ..
# Endra-Jogja: like the Boss at this boom, the main variants keliatannya color and snake-hose .. at start sebar hunter?
# A-Peng Solo: Jenmanii varigata I ditawar collector, I like to tell photo please email pack deni assisted price range ... Thanks a lot
# Ji'i-Sragen: Pak Andi, when the goods would take my place again? is not no love jamin murah deh main take many ... Salam buat boss ...
Madi-kediri #: HOKERI black boss, ask tell this week in the pot first 100 ya ... other follow ...
# Yeni-Cepu: Boss, Anthuriumnya make loans maskot exhibition in Madiun ... Not take ya later ...
Pare-Bowo #: When to Pare pack deni? This Anthurium me sick I want to ask how it treated?
# Ayu-Kebumen: Have split black or black beauty selvet? how many leaves? harga berapa? ..
# Saiful-Jember: Mas Mas Andi and Deni, who have already ngelis Burgundy? Black dragon, or if there is no capture. ..
# Nur Cahyo-Banyuwangi: Anthurium have a unique? that is still rare? This boss is like to go immediately contact me ya ... makasih
-Solo # Didik: Keris black or black selvet have the playpen?
Cikarang-# BBG: I bibitan one message for one sample is boss, if the buyer later okay I take a lot. !
# Danu-Klaten: Boss deni, waves of love ready to harvest have indukan ga? how many are sold?
# Rendra-Magelang: Pak Deni, Anthurium chimney red lips have the stock? I immediately confirm it is, many buyers here.
# Gunawan-Makasar: Pak Deni, ask for info bibitan variants red and black image to send my email, makasih.
# Nirmala-Semarang: seed price is now the wave of love? take a minimum of how many?
# Sardi-Cikarang: I'd like to order mine shaft, garuda, stars and jungle bush KEJORA prices are ya?
# Ramli-Brunei: Siang Pak Deni, I would like to offer Anthurium Black Dragon and Black Marie, may pack Deni interest? ..
# Jogja-Ahmad: What I want to buy seeds, the minimum limit? shipping charges are per kg? jogja nyampe to how many days?
# Intania-Wonogiri: Black Beauty is the size of teenagers have deni Pak? I want a black garuda also.
# Purwanto-Bogor: Request list price for seed than in the blog, please email in to tell me. Suwun
# Santi-Cilacap: If raffless Anthurium and black pearl leaves 3-4 nyampe how? take a minimum of how many?
# Yeni-Salatiga: Pak deni, have seeds jenmanii leaves from 345 indukan good? infonya not wait for ya. Thanks
Elisabeth-Sby #: Pak Deni, indukan jenmanii dragon would be how? now how much I ga ear plug on the internet?
Agus-Gresik #: Boss, garuda indukan have red or black? cob and how does the price?
#-Ghani Temanggung: Pak deni, jenmanii super red seeds in a sale? I ask why only 2 for the collection. Trim's ya

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Blogged with the Flock Browser

It is wave of love ready to sold
tongkol 4
daun udah ampir 1,5 meter,
sell from 15 juta
it is wafe of love JAGGER ( gelombang cinta jagger)
Located in Bandung.
HARGA nego call or sms 0818207414

Price 12 JT

Price 23 JT

Price 55 JT
Price 13 JT

Price 70 JT

Price 7 JT
Price5 JT
Price18 JT

Price 100 JT
Price 20 JT

Price 10 JT

Price 5 JT
Price 55 JT

JENMANI (wah sudah laku)Sold out
Price 850 RB

JENMANI WAYANG (sold /sudah laku)
Price 2,3 JT
Price 4,5 JT

Price 2,5 JT
JENMANI (sold / sudah laku)
Price25 JT
JENMANI KERIS VARIGATA (sold / sudah laku)
Price 1,3 JT
Price 8,2 JT

Price 5,5 JT

Price 3,5 JT
Price 7,5JT


choose the right Flowers

Here are some tips on how to choose the right Flowers

The beauty of flowers is that they're so versatile – it's hard to think of an occasion when they aren't an appropriate gift and let's face
it, if you're stuck for a gift idea, flowers are always a reliable fall-back solution. The only problem is that for most of us the world
of flowers can be a mysterious and daunting one; not everyone is blessed with a florist's expertise so knowing what to choose
can be a bit of a challenge.

Well chosen flowers really are a great way of expressing a whole range of sentiments from gratitude to congratulations to love.
So have a look at the following tips and hopefully you'll feel a bit more confident about choosing the right flowers to say exactly
what you want to say.

* Red Roses for Romance
If you're trying to woo someone or perhaps hoping to inject a bit of good old fashioned romance and spontaneity into your
relationship or marriage, flowers are still one of the most effective tools of seduction. The obvious choice here are roses,
the red rose in particular is still associated with love (it's traditionally symbolic of passionate love) more than any other flower
and as such still makes a good, classic choice. For something a bit different though there are plenty of attractive
alternatives – Lilies, Daisies, Orchids and Wildflowers for instance are all associated with conveying a message of love.
* SunFlowers for Congratulations
Obviously you're looking to express something of the celebratory spirit here so consider going for bold, bright and
contrasting colors that you feel really communicate a sense of fun and playfulness.
* Pink Carnations for Thank You
One of the most common sentiments behind floral gifts - flowers are ideal for expressing gratitude. There aren't really
any definitive rules here; the most important thing is that they convey a sense of sincerity and perhaps feel like you've put
some personal thought into your choice. A casually arranged selection of some complementary flowers of your choice
should be fine. Pink carnations are traditionally the floral symbol of gratitude.
* Bouquets for I'm Sorry
There are few more consistently effective ways of getting out of the dog house than with flowers, somehow a floral gift
makes it almost impossible for anyone to hold a grudge for too much longer. Go for arrangements of delicate warm
tones and put a bit of thought into an accompanying note.
* Get Well
Flowers can convey a sense of deeply felt empathy so they make the perfect gift to let someone know your thinking of them.
Ultimately what flowers you choose will come down to a personal decision but you could bare in mind a couple of
possible approaches: You could go down a couple of different routes here. Either stick with something restrained
and tastefully serene or why not go for a more positive, uplifting message with a bold, vibrant arrangement. Bare in
mind that ultimately flower-buying is a personal thing so don't feel too bogged down by these suggestions.

You still can't go far wrong with flowers as a gift for almost any occasion. For those to whom the world of flowers remains a
mystery, this brief guide should provide you with a few tips to cover all your gift buying needs. This article is contributed by
Interflora and edited by sophia from FlowerAdvisor.

Tanaman hias

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Ghasiea whao koda pal indo micro valid oats blak edwic mace mac addres addreds hundred me your town not lion and


MAWAR GURUN TAK lain adalah adenium.
Ada gebrakan baru di adenium bunga putih yang tak pernah popular mendadak digandrungi peminat. Lebat dan rajin berbunga menjadi daya tarik.

Sejak 2003 silangan berwarna putih sudah hadir di dunia adenium. Namun, 'Dulu, silangan adenium bunga putih hanya jadi pelengkap dan permintaannya biasa-biasa saja,' kata Ir. Slamet Budiarto dari Godong Ijo nurseri.

Tahun ini, mozza muncul untuk membuktikan bahwa tak selamanya adenium bunga putih selalu jadi anak tiri. Hasil buruan Slamet dari seorang penyilang Thailand pada akhir 2007 itu tampil memukau dengan tampilan sama persis dengan eye of the storm. Bentuk kelopak bunga sama-sama membulat dan berukuran besar dengan diameter di atas 8 cm. Hanya beda warna kelopak bunga saja: eye of the storm, pink; mozza, putih.

Rajin berbunga

Kerajinannya berbunga jadi senjata utama menjerat hati para peminat. 'Mozza berbunga lebih awal dan paling rajin dibanding jenis adenium generasi sebelumnya,' katanya. Februari 2008 merupakan kali pertama terlihat deretan adenium kelas A-ukuran kecil dengan diameter batang 3-5 cm- berbunga lebat dan serempak. Itu tidak lain mozza.

Padahal, saat itu adenium-adenium lain masih enggan berbunga lantaran masih banyak turun hujan. Ketika kemarau, pada Mei 2008, deretan mozza tampil paling semarak. Jenis lain tak sebanjir itu.

Mozza mewarisi sifat-sifat induknya. Ibunya, eye of the storm, terkenal karena kelebatan bunganya. Soal kerajinan, mozza malah melebihi eye of the storm. Pertumbuhan mozza lebih cepat daripada eye of the storm. Pada umur yang sama mozza lebih banyak tumbuh cabang sehingga bunganya lebih lebat. Mozza sudah mulai berbunga pada hari ke-45 setelah sambung, sedangkan eye of the storm baru berbunga setelah 2 bulan.


Not only mozza that menyeruak the market apart from the prediction. Dottie-flower white turbid with the spurting pink in the middle of-also occupied the rank five big the new crossing that most had an interest taken in him by the consumer. The crossing from Taiwan more often attracted the circle for the soft colour and the simple feature of the reason beginner. Salmona-flower was white with a funnel peach also was the mainstay. In April 2008, thorra, ayala, bonzy, benito and elexa emerged following mozza, dottie, salmona and 9 other crossings that were released by Godong Ijo in February 2008.

Bonzi that most moncer among 5 crossings that were released April 2008 that, again and again the variant the peach. Bonzi was white turbid with a funnel peach and red stripes firm in the middle petal him. That in accordance with the Handry Chuhairy-player prediction adenium in Tangerang, about the variant peach will be on the rise.

Corong kuning

In Yogyakarta another. That became discussions was adenium the Untari Retno Wahyuni crossing. The 'crossing with a yellow funnel was difficult to be received,' said the woman that has crossed adenium since the last 5 years. His four crossings that bercorong yellow blossomed at the end 2007 namely Kallalia, come on noodles co, Patrick and first day. Kallalia bertepi red with stripes in petal him was very firm, was similar brave heart. Only a funnel kallalia yellower with petal was white that was more visible.

Sementara first day, petal dominan putih dengan garis sembur yang sempit tapi tegas. Tari menggunakan painted lady jadi tetuanya. Dengan tetua ini pula, pemilik Omah Ijo itu berharap bisa menghasilkan adenium berpetal putih yang lebih bersih.

Silangan-silangan baru si mawar gurun seolah tak ada habisnya, pantas jika penggemarnya tak pernah bosan untuk terus berburu. Nesia Artdiyasa/ TRUBUS

Adenium grafting yang hanya mengandalkan bunga memang menarik. Tapi jika Anda jeli, masih banyak bisa ditemukan adenium-adenium 'aneh' yang menggoda hati. Harganya bisa mencapai puluhan juta, mengingat ketersediaan barang sangat langka. Pemilik adenium langka biasanya menjadi buah bibir di mana-mana. Tidak aneh. Berikut beberapa di antaranya:

The peach yang berwarna kejinggaan bersalin rupa jadi berbercak merah di atas dasar jingga. Boleh jadi, inilah jenis Adenium obesum yang paling sering bermutasi. Warna merah mulai dari berupa titik sampai polesan yang hampir Menutupi warna jingga. Bila dalam satu tanaman ada bunga normal dan bunga mutasi, hasilnya jadi tanaman menarik.***

Daun Albino
Perubahan warna tak melulu di bunga. Adenium obesum jenis ini diketahui dimiliki Handhi di Tangerang. Selain warna bunga, daun juga bermutasi. Helaian yang mestinya hijau, melulu putih seperti albino. Handhi mengaku, mendapatkan dari Thailand setahun silam. Yang istimewa putihnya daun stabil dan tanaman sehat. Terkadang dari 1.000 semaian biji memang ada 1-2 tanaman albino. Tapi umur 3 bulan mati karena daun terbakar, tutur pemilik nurseri Rumah Pohon itu.***

Bonggol Emas
Inilah salah satu mutasi terlangka: adenium bonggol emas. Menurut Aris Budiman (pemerhati Adenium, red) di Yogyakarta, peluang mendapatkannya 1:1.000.000. Di tanahair, hanya segelintir yang memiliki. Tercatat 11 bonggol emas dikoleksi kolektor di Depok, Yogyakarta, Pati, dan kolektor di Jawa Timur. Satu pohon milik Drs Sonny Wagino di Ngawi juga berdaun variegata. Ini jenis lebih langka.***

(Bahan/ sumber: Majalah Trubus)